Friday, September 16, 2011

The Eye in Your Team

Every business owner has heard or read something about the importance of team and unity. When everyone knows his role, but also knows his voice is as important as anyone else's within the organization, there is a powerful yet humble force. Success seems inevitable. Who doesn't appreciate humble acts?

The truth is, most folks don't. Yes, we all are moved by anonymous gestures of kindness and sharing the glory, but more often than not, we don't even know these things happen. But that's okay. The whole point of doing good is to make something better, not to better one's reputation. Besides, who likes a boaster? Exactly.

That’s why you need an advertising agency. Hear us out.

Good business leaders know there’s no “I” in team. We’ve already established no one likes to hear others talk about themselves. Save that stuff for interviews and confession. You’re passionate about what you do, as you should be. Someone else needs to be in charge of spreading the word of the organization’s good deeds.

Enter Clever Ogre. Our passion is advertising. The root of advertising is cleverly and memorably telling folks what’s good about something, and why they should buy or use that particular something.

You don’t want to spend time talking yourself up, so let us. We can be “the eye in your team”. We’ll find out what you do, what you’re about, and who you are…truly. Then, we’ll create whatever kind of advertising thingamabob you want. Video, web, print, PR – we do it, well. <- See, we’re talking ourselves up. It just comes naturally to us.

Can you think of times when it’s appropriate to be boastful? Let us know about them here, on Facebook, or on Twitter. We wanna hear from you.

Share the glory, hog the blame.